Roland KR111 Digital Baby Grand Piano
Musical Instrument — 02-11-2019
8 years old.Excellent condition....
Musical Instrument — 02-11-2019
8 years old.Excellent condition....
Musical Instrument — 02-07-2019
A real nice, great sounding late 50’s model 518 steel guitar with case, tuner, and string winder. This has the famous horseshoe pickups. Legs are adjustable. The three necks have eight strings per nec...
Musical Instrument — 02-06-2019
15" speakers, black cloth covered, strong metal handles, holes in bottom for speaker stands. Perfect condition. Valued over $600.00. Will sell for $300.00 or best offer....
$1200 — Musical Instrument — 02-04-2019
A real nice Rickenbacker Model 518 non pedal three neck, eight string per neck, steel guitar with case and adjustable legs,tuner, and string winder. This weighs altogether, about 48 pounds so shipping...
$825 — Musical Instrument — 02-04-2019
Vegaphone professional, good shape, case is poor but usable....
Musical Instrument — 02-03-2019
Crystal clear cleans and classic overdrive on this 3-channel, all tube (12AX7-pre, 6L6), collectible American amp made by Crate. Packs 65W, in a 12AX7 and EL83 tube configuration. Great for studio,...
$560 — Musical Instrument — 01-30-2019
I purchased this set originally for $1,000 and it sat there and have been played maybe 5 times for a total of 90 minutes all-in. No wear and as good as new. This is a steal for anyone looking for a ...
Musical Instrument — 01-28-2019
Pristine condition 1990's version of the 1963 Les Paul Gibson vintage guitar. With hard case. This instrument was recently found in a closet and it is beautiful !!Exact same model is currently on EBay...
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