Items For Sale > Musical Instrument

Late 50’s Rickenbacker model 518 Three neck Steel Guitar

  • Publish Date: 02-07-2019 10:15:12 |
  • Contact: Mike |
  • Location: South Bend 46613 |
  • Place: South Bend |
  • 391 times displayed |
A real nice, great sounding late 50’s model 518 steel guitar with case, tuner, and string winder. This has the famous horseshoe pickups. Legs are adjustable. The three necks have eight strings per neck and at the present time, they are set at c6, Amajor, and e13. You can set them at many different tunings. I just recently put new strings on all three necks. This guitar with case weighs about 48 pounds and would cost about $70+100 to ship so if the buyer is within 100miles, Iwould meet them halfway to save on shipping. This guitar is docoming harder and harder to find. Call me at 574-289-4758 for any questions you may have.

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