Items For Sale > Musical Instrument

Late 50’s Rickenbacker Model 518 non pedal Steel Guitar - $1200

  • Publish Date: 02-04-2019 10:35:15 |
  • Contact: Mike |
  • Location: South Bend 46613 |
  • Place: South Bend |
  • 380 times displayed |
A real nice Rickenbacker Model 518 non pedal three neck, eight string per neck, steel guitar with case and adjustable legs,tuner, and string winder. This weighs altogether, about 48 pounds so shipping could range from $ 70-100 depending on destination. If purchaser lives within 100 miles, I would meet half way. This guitar has famous horshoe pickups and and sounds really good. Each neck can be setup to various tunings. I have them set at Amajor, c6, and E13. These are getting harder to find.

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