$15 — Full Time —
Now hiring! No experience needed! Full time and part time positions available, plus overtime! Starting base wage $10 per hour PLUS BONUSES some make over $15 per hour. Call 681-378-3015 for informatio...
Greeting customers as they enter showroom and walking through cabinets & countertops. Excellent communication skills - answering all phone calls and taking detailed messages. Must be able to multi tas...
Small concrete jobs nobody wants to do
Patios,sidewalks,curbs etc. No job is small enough !...
Most any job very skillful
$20 — Construction Jobs —
Construction worker need for Paw Paw, IL area. Must have experience with demolition/tear out, painting, drywall, trim work, flooring installation. Must have good attention to detail and not cut corne...
General Labor —
I will need help for various small jobs on my sailboat in May for about 1 week to 10 days. The boat is out on land in Rockland. The work involves cleaning, painting, and electrical 12v wiring and inst...
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If you can say that you are honestly a trustworthy individual that can be given a opportunity that will either help you or if you aren't very trustworthy I suggest you do not try to take advantage bec...