Items For Sale

Teeter HangUp offer Health and Beauty

Teeter HangUp

$100Health and Beauty

Teeter EP560 Inversion Table...

BoosterBath offer Home and Furnitures


$50Home and Furnitures

BoosterBath Pet Grooming Bath Tub (Large) Includes drain hose, non-slip mat, Triple Leash restraint, shampoo caddy and spray nozzle....

Men’s Watch offer Jewelries

Men’s Watch


Momentum titanium alarm / date With silicone band $60 Joe (504) 858 ~ 8577 mornings...

Ladies Huffy mountain bike offer Sporting Goods

Ladies Huffy mountain bike

$45Sporting Goods

ladies 26” mountain bike with bike lock excellent condition Huffy brand 21 speed...

Theater chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Theater chairs

$450Home and Furnitures

4 theater chairs I had made for a media room. They were custom made in Miami for me. All 4 are in excellent condition. They recline and have cup holders. Selling all 4 together. You will need a truck ...

antique glass windows offer Free Stuff

antique glass windows

Free Stuff

Romoved from building that is over 100 years old. Located in Shillington PA. Located at 108 Phila Ave out front on the sidewalk....

Alesis Midi Verb 4, effects offer Musical Instrument

Alesis Midi Verb 4, effects

Musical Instrument

Dual channel parallel processor w/ auto level sensing, extended range signal processing. 30+ effects. Includes complete manual, original hard copy. Very clean , studio quality effects. Programable. $...

Couch love seat and chair offer Home and Furnitures

Couch love seat and chair

Home and Furnitures

Beautiful couch love seat and chair asking $150 or best offer. Comes with 8 pillows. Please text me 3524944818...

Table linens offer Home and Furnitures

Table linens

Home and Furnitures

12 120” round & 6 132” round Navy 6 90x 156 rec & 2 90 x 132 rec champagne 12 satin rec table runners Never been used still in original bags and box ...

Bedframe Queen offer Home and Furnitures

Bedframe Queen

Home and Furnitures

Good condition sleigh queen bed wooden frame for free...

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