Items For Sale

Adjustable Bathing Shower Chair offer Health and Beauty

Adjustable Bathing Shower Chair

Health and Beauty

Height adjustable bathing shower chair with arms and backrest $25Contact me at 571-477-9339...

Drive Bariatric Rollator Rolling Walker - $50 offer Health and Beauty

Drive Bariatric Rollator Rolling Walker - $50

Health and Beauty

Drive RollaterWalker holds upto 400lbs. Color is blue.$50 Contact me at 571-477-9339 ...

Awning offer Garage and Moving Sale


$300Garage and Moving Sale

12' x 10' blue stripe brand new used only 2 months....

Grill offer Home and Furnitures


$30Home and Furnitures


Drop ceiling railing offer Home and Furnitures

Drop ceiling railing

$20Home and Furnitures

Some new, some used....

Grill offer Home and Furnitures


$30Home and Furnitures


Dennis MA great garage sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Dennis MA great garage sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Fri. May 10th and Sat. May 11th Dennis MA Complete set patio furniture, antiques, household items, tons of bedding and books, women’s size small/petite clothing, something for everyone!...

4 piece sofa set offer Home and Furnitures

4 piece sofa set

$600Home and Furnitures

Leather sofa, love seat , chair with ottoman.....

Needed bunk bed for my two girls offer Home and Furnitures

Needed bunk bed for my two girls

Home and Furnitures

My boyfriend and I now have all three of his babies living under one roof. We are looking for a bunk bed so the girls can share a bedroom. When i started pricing bunk beds they are way outta our budge...

Multi Family Sale in Southwest Arlington offer Garage and Moving Sale

Multi Family Sale in Southwest Arlington

Garage and Moving Sale

Lawnmower, floor mats, ladies clothes, men’s clothes, girl’s clothes, boys clothes. T boys clothes. Lots and lots of toys for both girls and boys. Many, many books in perfect shape in both hardback...

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