Valentine Candle light Roast Beef dinner at Wesley United Church.Friday February 15 at 6:30. $20.00 per person.Come and enjoy an excellent meal with someone you love. Prizes as well.651 Hwy#8, Stoney...
Male dashhound 3 years old ...
This is a Christian Dementia Caregivers Group that meets the third Friday of every month February 15th will be our next meeting ... place: Well Being Solutions 333 W. Shaw Suite 7 ....@. 2:00 pm spa...
We are seeking vendors that would like to be part of our inaugural craft fair. Vendor Agreements/Applications are available. We would love to host a variety of handmade crafts and catalogue companies...
Wanted: a donated acre or more in Reno, Nevada or close vicinity for a good cause to help further, strengthen and provide a Traditional local Indian workplace....
We invite you for a day of SHOPPING!
There are many Crafters and Vendors to suit your needs. Clothing, Children's books, Purses, handbags, nails, health and beauty products, Jewelry, and many craft ...
Please join us for beginner intermediate and advanced horse riding lesson at affordable prices call 239-221-4372...
If you love ballet gymnastics and Horses you will love our equestrian vaulting class. Come and join our beginnner team to learn gymnastics on the horse. Increase your fitness and enjoy time with fri...
Clothing, furniture, knick knacks, etc. Come and check out all items for sale! Friday 2/1 thru Sunday 2/3. ...