Snow removal and handy man work
Community — 02-10-2020
No job is to big or to small I can do it all!...
Community — 02-10-2020
No job is to big or to small I can do it all!...
Community — 02-10-2020
Hello we clean business' and homes. Basic and deep cleaning available!...
Community — 02-09-2020
Hi I’m Sam. I’m 18 and play bass and sing. I can sing back up, leads or play bass. Either way I’m look for band members. Preferably intermediate players between the ages of 18 and 25. If you’re intere...
Community — 02-08-2020
I was born in Vancouver bc sept 15 1967 my mother was educated taught in Europe had a masters degree. Had a sister and she a child at the time of my birth. My father has 3 sisters and 1 brother at the...
Classes — 02-07-2020
Soy especialista en niños con dificultades de aprendizaje en lectura, escritura y matemáticas. Además Maestro de niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Puede dejar su mensaje de voz o de texto...
Events — 02-04-2020
Grand Opening Saturday, February 15th 11am-3pm 18 Highway 19 North, Inglis Check out our event on FB...
Events — 02-03-2020
Wilsonii fruitless olives multi trunk in 24 inch boxes, eight feet tall 5 feet wide, asking $400 per tree...
Events — 02-02-2020
Owners of vehicles with CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) transmissions should go to NHTSA.org, AutoSafety.org, CarComplaints.com, Autozone.com and Recalls.com and enter your VIN number. Althou...
Community — 01-31-2020
small, female, healthy, non-shedding dog to play with 8 year old, 6 pound Shih-Tzu. Free? (541) 296-1229 Can leave message....
Community — 01-29-2020
For anyone that wants to receive the booklet of how God works mericals in our lives. For only 8 dollars this booklet will change your life.. God works wonders and this will prove it. Send check or mon...
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