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If you want this dog you made a pretty good choice she's a pretty special dog to have

  • Publish Date: 02-07-2018 17:56:25 |
  • Contact: Hailey (see all posting) |
  • Location: Richmond 23833 |
  • Place: Dinwiddie |
  • 401 times displayed |

This dog will make your family happy she's always around where she can get attention from her loved ones, she's love the fresh outdoor air she's likes to explore different wooded areas,she's good with children she will play if they wanted to play with her she's never a boring dog also good with babies to,she likes cuddling and giving love to her owner, likes to learn new things I'll have you know she's a pretty intelligent dog, when its winter she loves to hop in the snow, if she ever ran away she would come back she never leaves her home, she's always alert if something is near your house, this dog will always stay by your side when you get to know her, I bet she will be excited to meet her new owner.

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