Items For Sale > Free Stuff
- Publish Date: 10-30-2018 22:22:28 |
- Contact: Cathy Raphael |
- Location: Delaware 19713 |
- Place: near the U of DE |
- 812 times displayed |
A large natural gas furnace in good working order. We are replacing it as we are getting a new a/c at the same time.... (According to the HVAC technicians - more than one - it is overkill in our house. It works fine.) FREE TO GOOD HOME.
An Apple Laserwriter IINT - bought from Washington College in Chestertown 30 years ago - worked fine - cost $1,300.00 Used with a Macintosh computer. State of the art at that time. Good condition.
An iMac personal computer. Bought second hand and never used. Somewhere there is a printer that goes with it.
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