Items For Sale > Business and Franchise

hauling company willing and ready any time of day to move furniture haul away unwated iteams  Small fee.will clean offer Business and Franchise

hauling company willing and ready any time of day to move furniture haul away unwated iteams Small fee.will clean

$20Business and Franchise

A family owned selfemployeed upcoming business ran by 4 sisters. Its a trucking business although there are people that think certain jobs rant for us let us show you all we can get it done faster che...

start your own Balloon company offer Business and Franchise

start your own Balloon company

Business and Franchise

Everything that you need to get started in the Balloon business. Be your own boss and work for yourself in the balloon industry. I am selling a balloon stuffing machine, over 7000 mylar ballons, eno...

Bookstore and Gift Shop Closed offer Business and Franchise

Bookstore and Gift Shop Closed

Business and Franchise

Retail bookstore/gift shop has closed. All shelving and display cases are for sale....

Hobart 60 qt mixer with bowl complete offer Business and Franchise

Hobart 60 qt mixer with bowl complete

$1995Business and Franchise

Hobart H60 Mixer with timer, bowl, complete to start your baking shop. About 15 years old, but under Hobart regular maintenance. 3 phase mixer for eco utilities. Used every day until replaced recently...

Barber Shop offer Business and Franchise

Barber Shop

Business and Franchise

Barber shop in Page Az on beautiful Lake Powell. Established in mid 1960s and is currently running 4 strong chairs. Same owner for 39 years. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to g...

Free cubical and desk combo up to three desk offer Business and Franchise

Free cubical and desk combo up to three desk

Business and Franchise

I have several cubicle desk combo available for Free. I closed down a business and I am willing to donate them. You simple need to haul them away . They in are good shape ...

Nutty Bavarian cinnamon Glazed Nut roaster Business. offer Business and Franchise

Nutty Bavarian cinnamon Glazed Nut roaster Business.

Business and Franchise

NUTTY BAVARIAN NUT ROASTING CINNAMON GLAZED BUSINESS FOR SALE.CAN MAKE $3000.00-5000.00 a week.located in GILMER texas call 90three33113three9...

Boutique Inventory for Sale!  offer Business and Franchise

Boutique Inventory for Sale!

Business and Franchise

Hi!I'm selling all of the inventory from my boutique in Norton KS. I have lots of brand name new and like new items! Clothing, purses, shoes, boots, jewelry, display stands, boutique clothing racks, e...

Store contents offer Business and Franchise

Store contents

Business and Franchise

Hair products,body shapers,toys,ladies garments and much more. Bulk sales only. Serious inquires only. ...

Office Desk,chairs, and Medical equipment for sale offer Business and Franchise

Office Desk,chairs, and Medical equipment for sale

Business and Franchise

2 office desk and several chairs. Exam Tables and other medical Equipment...

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