Items For Sale > Business and Franchise

hauling company willing and ready any time of day to move furniture haul away unwated iteams Small fee.will clean - $20

  • Publish Date: 05-14-2018 18:09:03 |
  • Contact: Tameka Pen |
  • Location: Springfield 62060 |
  • Place: Madison |
  • 414 times displayed |

A family owned selfemployeed upcoming business ran by 4 sisters. Its a trucking business although there are people that think certain jobs rant for us let us show you all we can get it done faster cheaper and with a smile to leave you with. Come one come all we are four hard working mother's ready to earn a living and shock the world. Give us a call big or small clean or gritty it do not matter test us and we will pull through it together on top.We also clean businesses 40-50.00 starting.we clean homes as low as 25.00 call a.s.a.p for estimate. Leave no person behind. We also do bring your own offer and see if we can accept it.

Tags: furniture

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