Items For Sale > Business and Franchise

New Business OPENED!  Buzzards Liquidation in Estacada offer Business and Franchise

New Business OPENED! Buzzards Liquidation in Estacada

Business and Franchise

Come take a look at all our inventory! We have some new and lightly used furniture, fishing items, Crystal, decor, mirrors, Beautiful antique armoire. Lots of stuff to mention it all. Bedroom sets/...

Direct mail equipment offer Business and Franchise

Direct mail equipment

$1000Business and Franchise

Bryce 11K direct impression printer. Prints names, addresses, mailing bar codes and carrier route data on envelopes for automation postage rates....

Clem Ojevich offer Business and Franchise

Clem Ojevich

Business and Franchise

Shantz Jewelry Trailer with retractable wheels full of stock ready to work...

se vende restaurante mexican offer Business and Franchise

se vende restaurante mexican

Business and Franchise

estoy vendiendo mi restaurante tipo de comida veracruzano es mas de comida de marisco y otros platillo esta el restaurante funcionando muy bien,lo vendo por falta de tiempo para poder atenderlo ya qu...

Aviary for sale. offer Business and Franchise

Aviary for sale.

$720Business and Franchise

"1" indoor song bird residence. The serenity of music from song birds. The bird sanctuary is large enough to allow small birds to fly, swing, sing, eat, drink and sleep. Six foot 6 inches high, 50 inc...

Relocatable Architectural Cast Stone Equipment and Molds offer Business and Franchise

Relocatable Architectural Cast Stone Equipment and Molds

$150Business and Franchise

I have been in the Architectural Cast Stone Business since 1997. I have retired the business but work is still coming in. I would like to assist someone in teaching them what they need to know and tak...

Relocatable Architectural Cast Stone Equipment and Molds offer Business and Franchise

Relocatable Architectural Cast Stone Equipment and Molds

$150Business and Franchise

I have been in the Architectural Cast Stone Business since 1997. I have retired the business but work is still coming in. I would like to assist someone in teaching them what they need to know and tak...

Foodtrailer 2012 used 3 seasons  almost new 44000$ with generator 2017 offer Business and Franchise

Foodtrailer 2012 used 3 seasons almost new 44000$ with generator 2017

$44000Business and Franchise

See all informations on the code is:8V7DUS ...

Brand new 8 Chair Beauty Salon for sale by owner offer Business and Franchise

Brand new 8 Chair Beauty Salon for sale by owner

$800Business and Franchise

Brand new 8 Chair Beauty Salon for sale by owner Lease with option to buy $2500 down First month $800 lease rate @$100 per chair to start Long-term lease guaranteed by owner....

Wise Potato Chip Business  offer Business and Franchise

Wise Potato Chip Business

Business and Franchise

Business averaged $7,100 in sales per week in 2017. Up 11% in sales in 2018. Selling business and truck for $100,000. ...

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