1 bedroom for rent in 3 bedroom home in Sunneymead area of Moreno Valley.Near 60 freeway. Access to kitchen & refrigerator. No pets, single individuals, no guests. Remodeled room in a quiet home. Call...
Room for rent ...must like animals ...420 friendly only no drug addicts ...must be older female on ss and disability.600.00 monthly300.00 dep. Utilities inc. month to month....
Quiet room in a house or apt...
这个舟面有自用洗澡间有一厨房在楼下月租一千美元,水电空调全包 妣27Baker PL West Roxbury MA02132, phone 6177856849, e一mail xuedao39@gmail.com ...
$600 — Roomate Wanted —
We are an engaged couple looking for a room to rent in a nice area of Rochester New York or surrounding areas. We can only afford $600m(that's $300 a piece) we need a place that takes SSI and DSS. As ...
Cuarto de Renta con baño compartido. preferible para hombre soltero y sin vicios en area tranquila y familiar. Para más información llame a 818-723-4018
Room for rent with shared bathroom. Preferabl...
$600 — Roomate Wanted —
It is a 4-bedroom and 3-bathroom single house, good area (zip code 92881), quite, clean, safe, one room for rent, $600/m, $400 deposit, own bath, utility included, cable TV and internet included, laun...
NEWBEDFIRD-1st flr. Unfurnished bdrm w/furn. Kitch, liv rm, fin rm, w/d in unit & st. parking. (plenty of spaces avail.)
Close to St Lukes Hosp. $495. + 1/2 cab, elec/gas. Leave message or best time ...
I'm looking for a nice furnace room to rent with a private room pool be a plus I'm staying home I'm studying and looking for around 650 a month I'm very quiet very clean moving on the 19th or the 18th...
Private room with the hall bathroom near by. Looking for a roommate,man or woman. Just be reasonably quiet and clean. 5 blocks from the beach and downtown. Older home but very comfortable. Laundry se...