Single mom needs help
- Publish Date: 01-19-2020 13:29:06 |
- Contact: Robyn (see all posting) |
- Location: Denver 80002 |
- Place: Arvada |
- 937 times displayed |
I am have come to the point where I am putting my own pride aside for what is beat for my children. I am a 35 year old single mom of a six year old and am currently 8 months pregnate with my second and last child. I was able to work as a waitress all the way through my first pregnancy even having to call in the day I had her. But with this child It has been impossible to do so. It has been a high risk pregnancy and I have been dealing with horrible morning afternoon and Eve. sickness all the way through. The childs father ruined my car by taking a screwdriver to my ignition when i was only 8 weeks along. Which had left me carless since then. I am now livingn in a maturity home where I am to pay 350 a month to share a small room with another mother and her kids and I have not even been able to afford to pay that the last two months. Putting me behind on a shelter. I start school this week but will not received financial aid until the end of Feb. And trying to received benefits has been a nightmare. It almost seem like they want you to get fed up and give up. I have never asked anyone for help because I have always been able to keep my head above water but I am now way below that and dont know what else to do. I have this new baby coming in a month and I have nothing. I am asking for any help out there even if you have a old car that you thought about donating that I could eventually make payments to you for? I would be thankful for anything that will help us get back on our feet. Even a payer would be great.
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