Vehicle > RV
RoadTrek, 190Popular
- Publish Date: 01-15-2018 10:32:16 |
- Contact: Dan Wetterstrom (see all posting) |
- Location: Mesa 85206 |
- Place: 2463 Leisure World |
- 990 times displayed |
2014, $72,500, RoadTrek, 18,147 miles, Chev 6.0, 16 mpg, king or twin beds, refrig.,w/freezer, furnace, AC w/heat pump, gas generator, inverter, TV/VCR, digital antenna, microwave, gas range, microwave, navigation system with camera, solar panels, leather interior, electric awning, custom rear carrier, macerator pump disposal,system,.
Top of the line in like new condition.
Top of the line in like new condition.
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