Vehicle > Motorcycle

2003 Harley Davidson FLSTCI Heritage Springer

  • Publish Date: 06-11-2019 15:02:12 |
  • Contact: Johnny Lopez |
  • Location: Texas 75570 |
  • Place: New Boston, Texas |
  • 2329 times displayed |

FLSTS/FLSTSI Heritage Springer®

100th Anniversary FLSTS/FLSTSI
Heritage Springer® From floating front fender with dual chrome rails, tombstone tail light, and cheese greater rear bumper, there's
never been any mistaking the Heritage Springer®. The classic look stands
out in the thickest of crowds. Look no further than the front end for
the reason. The leading-link exposed-spring front suspension is still
welded and polished by hand and recalls days past. Yet it provides a
premium, modern-day ride. It's complemented by a hot-forged steel fork
and classic horn. Full-coverage rear fender, leather
bags, fishtail mufflers and special Anniversary features.The Mustang solo seat with the leather fender bib really sets off the look (original seat is available). This one
sports solid black paint paint that resonates with pure rightness. And a Twin Cam
88B™ engine, with EFI. Grab the bar and feel the pull. 18,600 original miles

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