Vehicle > Auto Parts

Extensive selection of Model T FORD parts and Automotive Literature for sale

  • Publish Date: 03-20-2018 15:08:32 |
  • Contact: Alan Good |
  • Location: Cape Coral 34224 |
  • Place: englewood FL |
  • 333 times displayed |
Extensive selection of Model T FORD parts and Automotive Literature for sale

Extensive collection (Boxes and boxes and the back end of a 1925 FORD Model TT Truck) of Model T FORD parts and literature up for sale. Owner is 85 and is retiring from selling vintage FORD parts at parts swap meets after 50 years. Parts are from remaining sales inventory and are mostly restored and ready for use or resale. Parts have an approximate retail value of 6000-8000.00

Would like to sell this as a bulk lot - it would be a GREAT deal for any vintage parts reseller to instantly bulk up and CLASS up their inventory.

As an added bonus, I am also offering for sale a 1925 Model TT Truck (A NICE solid Vintage restoration job) for 12,000 - and ALL THE PARTS AND LITERATURE WOULD BE ADDED IN AS A BONUS WITH PURCHASE OF THE TRUCK.

This is a FANTASTIC offer AND MUST BE SEEN to be appreciated!!

Tags: ford

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