Vehicle > Auto Parts

2.5 Liter 4 Cylinder Engine Wiring Harness 92-95 YJ 56018098 - $300

  • Publish Date: 11-20-2022 03:24:19 |
  • Contact: Larry Stoneman (see all posting) |
  • Location: World |
  • 166 times displayed |
2.5 Liter 4 Cylinder Engine Wiring Harness 92-95 YJ 560180982.5 Liter 4 Cylinder Engine Wiring Harness 92-95 YJ 56018098

Fits 1992-1995 Wrangler YJ

Good Shape, No Burned wires. Tested all functions including running and driving prior to dismantle of this 1994 Jeep Wrangler YJ

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