
1989 Vw Jetta Gl Recaro Interior

  • Publish Date: 05-30-2020 14:30:27 |
  • Contact: Alejandro |
  • Location: Portland 97035 |
  • 458 times displayed |
1989 Vw Jetta has a rebuilt motor from bottom to top with upgraded cam and lifters car had 333000 on motor when rebuilt now it has 346000 paper is in his storage but when he finds it will send to me or whoever buys it ... Previous owner He has been basically 1st owner of it since 1989 have folder of receipts and oil changes all under his name for everything since 1989 till present
Runs really good asking 3000 obo or trade for another car with cash works too.. steal for this Vw
Clean title
Just put new plates under my name with tabs
Brand new battery
Fresh oil change
Has ac unit redone about $2000 in labor
Aftermarket suspension with lifetime
warranty on it from les schwab with paper work
Front and rear away bars
Germany real city lights with Hid headlightsystem with high and lows
K&N air filter
New transmission new clutch resurfaced flywheel
Aftermarket cam and lifter kit
Recaro interior from the 80s in prestine condition
Have set of new winter tires with matching wheels
Has all wheel disc conversion
Brand new exhaust system from headers back to exhaust with paper work warranty for 4years.
Wired for sound system
More info upon request

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