Maytag washer and dryer-3 years old
For Rent — 01-22-2018
Downsizing in cape coral florida.Maytag glass top washer and dryer 3 years old.$450. call Ernie 239-292-3635..........
For Rent — 01-22-2018
Downsizing in cape coral florida.Maytag glass top washer and dryer 3 years old.$450. call Ernie 239-292-3635..........
$100 — Appliances — 01-22-2018
GE stove, cream/almond. Hardly used, great condition. $100 OBO. Also have refrigerator and dishwasher. Will sell all three for $250. Cash only....
Appliances — 01-22-2018
Whirlpool 16.8cf refrigerator, white. Great condition. Also have oven and dishwasher. Will sell all three for $300. Cash only....
$100 — Appliances — 01-22-2018
Maytag Quietseries 200 dishwasher, white. Great condition. $100 OBO. Also have refrigerator and oven. Will sell all three for $250. Cash only....
Appliances — 01-22-2018
Maytag Quiet Series 200 Dishwasher for sale, white. Great condition! $125 OBO. Cash only. Also have refrigerator and oven, would sell group for $300....
$100 — Appliances — 01-22-2018
Whirlpool 16.8 cu ft refrigerator, white. Great condition! $100 OBO. Cash only. Also have stove and dish washer. Will sell all three for $250....
Appliances — 01-22-2018
STOVE: GE stove, cream/almond color. Great condition, hardly used! $125 OBO. Cash only.Also have refrigerator and dish washer, would sell group for $300....
$175 — Appliances — 01-20-2018
Duet model - front end loaders - washer works all cycles - dryer works on timer...
Appliances — 01-20-2018
Whirlpool front end loading "Duet" model/setwasher works all cycles, dryer works on timer$175 Cash610-692-2543...
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