Firewood for sale
Lawn and Garden — 11-26-2019
Dry firewood oak 250.00 full cord,oak birch mix dry 225.00 full cord. Mixed firewood dry 200.00 full cord. Free delivery within 10 miles from pine River,will deliver farther for small fee. ...
Lawn and Garden — 11-26-2019
Dry firewood oak 250.00 full cord,oak birch mix dry 225.00 full cord. Mixed firewood dry 200.00 full cord. Free delivery within 10 miles from pine River,will deliver farther for small fee. ...
Lawn and Garden — 11-18-2019
Unseasoned hardwood fire wood. Split to your order. Large pick-up load - $50 u-haul.Delivery extra. 419-560-4681 Leave message....
Items Wanted — 11-16-2019
Dry spruce firewood for sale,will deliver to local areas for free,out of town orders require additional funds,$180 per cord for log lengths,$200 per cord for rounds( cut to desired size)$250 per cord ...
Lawn and Garden — 11-09-2019
Oak Firewood 225 1/2 cord and 325 a cord Delivered and Stacked Green or Seasoned (512)367-0127.or (512) 552-6548...
$225 — Items For Sale — 11-08-2019
Dry pine and oak mixed delivery in Yakima area....
$200 — Lawn and Garden — 10-30-2019
Dry firewood,for,maple,alder$200 acord call Mike at 360-878-0481 thank you. Delivered ...
Lawn and Garden — 10-20-2019
3+ cords of Oak fire wood cut in 16" rounds. You load and haul. $300.00 takes it all....
Lawn and Garden — 10-19-2019
Red and white oak firewood for sale. $200 for a full cord, measurements of 8ft. Long By 4ft. Wide And 4ft. Tall. Delivery available depending on location, more information please call or text 936-21...
Garage and Moving Sale — 10-17-2019
Seasoned cut firewood,Oak cherry walnut $100 a truckload delivered...
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