Service > Service Wanted

Supervisor over 18 and own car needed so my 8 year old daughter and I can see each other again

  • Publish Date: 08-31-2019 18:21:57 |
  • Contact: Amy (see all posting) |
  • Location: Rockford 61080 |
  • Place: South Beloit |
  • 526 times displayed |
Supervisor over 18 and own car needed so my 8 year old daughter and I can see each other again
Going through very nasty divorce from an abusive alcoholic with narcissistic manipulative personality disorder and is a pathological liar and got my child taken away and I can only see her right now if I have someone over 18 that can pick her up from school every Wednesday at Windsor Elementary In Loves Park at 2:30 and bring her to her home so we can be together again, see her kitten, friends and family until I prove he’s a liar in court and then drive her to Casey’s gas station on 173 at 7:30pm and same thing every Saturday by picking her up from gas station at 9am and taking her back at 6:30 and just has to be with us wherever we go. I’m really begging for a kind soul because I don’t even have enough money to buy food really right now because of him and so I can’t afford to pay anything right now but I could once I get all the money he stole from me back or can move into the apartment I was supposed to so my alimony will go up but he stole my moving money and ruined my credit behind my back so I would need a co-signer just for a small loan for the deposit and to get the apartment and then I could afford to pay someone and would actually solve so many problems for me. I have no friends or family to help me and am all alone and an injustice has been done and she wants to come live with me because I’ve stayed home with her her entire life and we are 1 year into the divorce and I just want my kids back and to be able to move because they have 1 apartment left and if a miracle doesn’t happen then I will be homeless and never be able to get them back. It’s a very sad and long story but it’s a true injustice and the system is failing us and I have to protect my daughter like I promised so please, if anyone can help us just so we can be together twice a week, please please call me 779-771-4995. I would prefer a woman but will take whatever I can get.

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