Service > Service Wanted

Search for someone deceased

  • Publish Date: 09-23-2018 20:57:27 |
  • Contact: Brittani A Wiley (see all posting) |
  • Location: Louisiana |
  • Place: Boerne |
  • 749 times displayed |

This is going to be a long shot and may seem desperate but I'm needing help badly. In November 2014 I lost my ex due to an oilfield accident. I have found only one report about the accident but it didn't have his name just when and where. Before he passed I found out I was pregnant with his son and never got the chance to let him know. I am only looking for closure and to let our 3 year old know more about his daddy and show him some pictures. If anyone knows anything please let me know, not for me but for my son. Thank you

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