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' ' ' Put up 4 connected portable solar panels' - $150

  • Publish Date: 04-19-2024 18:20:31 |
  • Contact: Fernando |
  • Location: San Diego 92040 |
  • 324 times displayed |
' ' ' Put up 4 connected portable solar panels'' ' ' Put up 4 connected portable solar panels'

It's to install 4 connected portable solar panels onto my signal story house. That way the solar panels do not fall of the top of the house with rain and wind. Then I have a long solar cord to attach the power cord on the side of the house into my room. I already have a hole in my side wall from my portable A.C. unit to my room. That way the solar panels cord can come through the A.C. unit hole that is already here. The person attending the solar panels and side solar cord into my room will need just a double ladder and something to attach the 4 attached solar panels to the top of the house. And something to attach the side wire to the side of my room. We are willing to pay $150. It's a easy fast job for someone that has put up some solar panels before. I also have pictures I will try to unload. I need this job done anytime before is coming up Monday 4/22/2024. I am in the East County Zip Code 92040. You can text message Us (619)633-4504. Thank You Much Respect.

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