Service > Service Wanted

Farm labourers or whatever you have to offer ..wolling to learn

  • Publish Date: 03-21-2018 22:30:42 |
  • Contact: Joyce Bartley |
  • Location: Saskatchewan S0K0G0 |
  • Place: Humboldt area and saskatoon |
  • 353 times displayed |

2 african males in early thirties are looking to be sponsored to come over to canada to overcome permanent residents. They are very good and strong workers ..well educated...very good english..and my friends i would like to help them find a job and if its possible a suite for them to rent if its on a farm .but if you only need one worker thats fine too.. one has a college degree and the other has university degree in science lab technology....they are in a poor part of their area and very over populated if anyone wants some workers and would sponsor them to vome you wont be sorry...and it would be very appreciative and considerate of you.

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