Service > Service Wanted

Elder sitting needed for our parents in Worcester, PA

  • Publish Date: 03-15-2018 12:55:49 |
  • Contact: Lynn Allen |
  • Location: Philadelphia 19426 |
  • Place: Worcester |
  • 337 times displayed |

Paul and Marian live at home in Worcester with their
daughter and son. The daughter and son
are employed fulltime and work out of the home. The son leaves the house
between 8:00-8:15 each morning and usually has them both up and has given them
breakfast. He arrives back home between 5:45 and 6:00 PM. We will need coverage 5 days per week from
8AM – 6 PM. We are currently using an agency, but are looking for someone to
hire independently.

We are looking for someone who enjoys the elderly, is
willing to make lunch for Marian and Paul, do some light house work, and is
comfortable assisting Marian with transfers.

Paul age 89:

Paul has short term memory loss. Paul will forget to eat meals, sometimes
forget that he has to get dressed, or forget your name. After a few visits, if he doesn’t know your
name, he will know your face. Paul can dress himself, make his bed, brush his
teeth, comb his hair and use the toilet independently. He has a urinary
catheter directly into his bladder. He
knows how to empty the bag, but may need a reminder. He also needs to be
reminded to get up out of his chair and walk around a bit. He may grumble about it, but his doctors
really want him to get up and move.

Paul loves to do crosswords, loves the Eagles, 76ers,
Phillies, Villanova Basketball and University of Delaware Football. He reads
the Philadelphia Inquirer every day and watches the news to keep current with
local and world events. Most of the time he sits quietly in his chair and will
rarely ask for anything. Someone will have to offer him a drink or something to
eat. In the spring and summer he tends to his vegetable garden.

Marian age 85:

Marian was recently discharged from Bryn Mawr Rehab after a
one month stay. She had neck surgery at
Paoli Hospital in January after a fall at home left her unable to walk. Prior
to the fall Marian could independently transfer to and from her walker and walk
with her walker on one level. She needed
assistance with steps. She was independent with all of her toileting and
grooming as well as dressing. She needed assistance in the shower. We are
hoping in a few months she will be back to her prior independence.

Marian is now receiving home PT, OT and nursing visits from
Mainline Health. She needs assistance
with getting out of bed to the walker or wheelchair and all transfers. She has a lift chair to assist her. She
weighs 110 lbs. She is more talkative and social than Paul. She also enjoys sports, although some days if
Paul has sports on all day she really needs a break and would like to watch
some other TV such as the Hallmark channel or HGTV. Marian also enjoys reading
the paper and watching the news (channel 6). She has a laptop computer and
enjoys checking in on her Facebook account.

Marian prefers a female home health aide because she is
modest and does not like men to assist her to the toilet or with dressing. At
this point in time she does need assistance to get onto and off of the toilet
and to pull up and down her pants. She will let you know if she needs to use
the toilet. Either one of her daughters or her sister Norma will give Marian a
shower. It is not something we expect
the aide to do.

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