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Country Arbor Independent Cinema Theater's

  • Publish Date: 05-27-2019 09:19:55 |
  • Contact: Wayne |
  • Location: Tulsa 74012 |
  • 500 times displayed |
Country Arbor Independent Cinema Theater's Country Arbor Independent Cinema Theater's


Agreement Between

Wayne Yeazel



We agree together and join in Partnership to buy and restore and to join together in reopening the Teepee Drive In Theatre in Sapulpa Oklahoma and the Trails Drive In Theatre in Enid Oklahoma and the Kar-Vu Drive In Theatre in Springfield Colorado and the Moonlight Drive In Theatre in Abingdon VA. and Eastland Four Theatre in Bartlesville Oklahoma.

Also, to reopen or rebuild one by research and looking for the right land and talking to the city and state about codes ECT.

Wayne Yeazel will runs all property, and take care of all employees and property's, order all equipment's and supplies needed for all Theatres , order food. When, Theatre's are self contained, running making money, Mr. Yeazel will pay all taxes on all Theatres. Mr. Yeazel will take jobs application for employees and his contribution to the partnership Wayne Yeazel will always keep 51%. Mr. Travel will contribute what he can.

Investors will provide Property, equipment, food, supplies, any upkeep they need. Pay for any repair's, building, and addition needed. Plus, transportation and motel stay and all expenses. (Investors will hold only 49% until loan, or all funding are paid back in full. Loan will be repaid back at a 0% to 3% fixed interest rate.)

As an act of Good faith Wayne Yeazel will begin all construction on all Theatres and at the point . When all Theatre's are open for buisness and the first movie show.

Wayne Yeazel and all investors will execute apartership agreement upon this. When Theatre's are self contained and Mr. Yeazel will be making arrangement to repay all loans or money from the investors are paid back in full. ( until loan, or all funding are paid back in full. Loan will be repaid back at a 0% to 3% fixed interest rate.)

Any and all updates will be done with this agreement will be read and signed.

Signature: Wayne Yeazel

Signatures of investors:












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