Service > Service Wanted

Septic Design & Installation needed offer Service Wanted

Septic Design & Installation needed

Service Wanted

I have a perked lot on need of a design and installation of a septic system.Please contact me if you are qualified to do this work. The lot is located in Sparta, Ga....

Barber/Stylist offer Service Wanted


Service Wanted

Looking for dynamic certified barbers and stylists, preferably natural hairstylists, with a diverse skillset to maintain all hair textures, with exceptional customer service. You must be able to appea...

Horse barn helper offer Service Wanted

Horse barn helper

Service Wanted

Must be super experienced with horses. Apartment available....

Workers needed offer Service Wanted

Workers needed

Service Wanted

Odds and ends will do pressure washing..yard work.gutters cleaned etc ...

Need a piano teacher to come to our house  offer Service Wanted

Need a piano teacher to come to our house

Service Wanted

Wanted a piano teacher for Morongo Valley for High school student. To learn to read notes and to Make it fun. Call Suzi at1 (760) 424-9678 or text....

Need to find a home for your bird offer Service Wanted

Need to find a home for your bird

Service Wanted

hi or I take in unwanted Birds and help raise Birds to either get back into the wild or to get back to Better Health. I also take in birds that people no longer want or can't have but if the time com...

Wanted nurse practitioner to perform outpatient procedures offer Service Wanted

Wanted nurse practitioner to perform outpatient procedures

Service Wanted

Seeking a motivated self confident female nurse who can perform a castration in her spare time. Yes this is a serious AD. Looking for nurse practitioner to CASTRATE me. I want my balls removed permane...

Supervisor over 18 and own car needed so my 8 year old daughter and I can see each other again  offer Service Wanted

Supervisor over 18 and own car needed so my 8 year old daughter and I can see each other again

Service Wanted

Going through very nasty divorce from an abusive alcoholic with narcissistic manipulative personality disorder and is a pathological liar and got my child taken away and I can only see her right now i...

Handy man offer Service Wanted

Handy man

Service Wanted

Looking for work: Demolition House cleaning Lawn care Fixing stuff Dog care Very good with hands take time an pride in my work an will make sure job is to satisfaction...

in need of a CDL trainer!!!!! offer Service Wanted

in need of a CDL trainer!!!!!

Service Wanted

I'm looking for a professional CDL trainer to help me with a pre trip refrinshing course for a class B with air brake. I already have the permit. Simply in need of the proper instruction to help me p...

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