Service > Professional Services

UVStudio Recording Service

  • Publish Date: 11-25-2023 02:24:18 |
  • Location: Chicago 60608 |
  • Place: Chicago |
  • 373 times displayed |
 UVStudio Recording Service UVStudio Recording Service

Recording vocals with backing track, acapella, acoustic, - Live instruments recording , Beatmaking , etc. - Guitar and bass guitar lessons.

Vocal recording with backing track, acapella, acoustically, etc.

From $50

Live instruments recording

Elevate your music with UV Studio's live instruments recording.


Private Guitar Lessons

Personalized guitar lessons, online or in-person.


Private Bass Guitar Lessons

Personalized bass guitar lessons, online or in-person.


Voice recording ( for podcast , advertising, etc. )


UVStudio - Your own music laboratory

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