Service > Professional Services

Assisted Care Giver/CBRF-AFH

  • Publish Date: 03-07-2018 08:43:19 |
  • Contact: Jacquie Hignite |
  • Location: Milwaukee |
  • Place: Angel Heart Home/Albertine House, Assisted Living |
  • 447 times displayed |

BRAND NEW ADULT CARE FACILITY Northwest Milwaukee(Near Menomonee Falls) is now looking for all-shift caregivers.

You've NEVER seen facilities like these wonderful, new and almost new 2 homes. The best of the best homes requires the best of the best team!

WE ARE FILLING EMPLOYMENT FOR TWO HOMES, with two to three care givers per shift. This is a campus of three neighboring new homes (one is starting construction)Each home will have only 4 RESIDENTS PER FACILITY, so our residents receive a high level of attention. Here's what we are looking for....

  • Dependability...being to the job 15 minutes before and after shift opening and completions.
  • A caring heart and capable hands.....two of our facilities facilities have a need of caring for imobile/wheelchair residents, and need full assistance for bathing and toileting.
  • SCHEDULED DUTIES....Caregivers have regular cleaning and cooking responsibilities.
  • PROFESSIONALISM...such as being prompt to answer calls for help, dressing and self grooming appropriately , calling a manager when you have an issue with schedule or resident, good communication.
  • Flexibility....being able and willing to change to help the changing circumstances of opening a new facility. you

    This is an exciting new level of care in a new, high-end beautiful facility. The owner is expanding and building new facilities in Washington County and the Milwaukee areas. Now is the time to join the excitement!

    CALL JACQUIE FOR AN INITIAL get more details at (414)349-1129.

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