
John 15: 16 ...The Shofar Has Sounded

  • Publish Date: 08-08-2019 06:28:11 |
  • Contact: Anthony McBee |
  • Location: World 21921 |
  • Place: ELKTON |
  • 145 times displayed |
John 15: 16 ...The Shofar Has SoundedJohn 15: 16 ...The Shofar Has Sounded

John 15; 16 "Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you ... that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and THAT your fruit should remain ..."

Have you - too - heard that clarion call of the Shofar??? Have you been chosen to extend your hand to another??? We know that globally humanity is hurting and we do not have to look too far past our own driveways and sidewalks to see first hand - the fabric of our society unraveling at an alarming rate.

Was there EVER a time in your life, or during a time in someone else's that had it not been for grasping firmly upon an extended hand of another - we too - might not have overcome and made it???

THIS - is the clarion call that the "CHOSEN" come together as a consortium of commissioned caregivers. Humanity REQUIRES immediate help and hope - AND - we can start by bringing others into our place of peace, acceptance, love and understanding.

Our Mission; is to release persons from helplessness and homelessness, spiritual and financial poverty, loss of loved ones, loss of self, marital strife & brokeness, "of-the-world" addictions, hunger and unemployment - ALL - in the name of the Creator who made us into the image of love.

THIS; is a mission of love. We love our Creator, and we demonstrate our love and live out our love by extending our hands of care and compassion.

We offer ourselves to serving others within a paradise setting, void of worldly distractions. We serve those who have little and those who have much. We offer help & hope. This is a Pay It Forward Program, Providing Help & Hope for ALL Other Persons & Peoples.

Extend your hands, open your minds and share what's in your hearts. And prepare yourself to receive a return that exceeds all intrinsic reward and a return on your personal and financial investment. Bring the heart of a servant; whether you have not a penny in your pocket or a chest full of treasures. It's time to "do something different that makes a difference" ... should you have an interest, do not hesitate - we have but 15 staffing positions remaining. you are welcomed to stay a month, a year or however long you believe that your presence makes a positive impact on both your life and that of another ... for greater detail; kindly send an email to ... we look forward to serving together

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