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FURNITURE REPAIR and Press Caning replacement seat

  • Publish Date: 05-01-2018 04:20:53 |
  • Contact: Barry Benitez |
  • Location: Raleigh 27540 |
  • 493 times displayed |
FURNITURE REPAIR and Press Caning replacement seatFURNITURE REPAIR and Press Caning replacement seat
FURNITURE REPAIR and Press Caning replacement seat
Caning, wicker, rattan
seat Replacement
Includes Clean out, Material and labor.
PRESS CANE has a groove dug out
(like a trench or mote around a castle)
all around the circumference of the chair seat or back.
The cane is a pre woven material like fabric on a roll,
and is pressed into that groove which
is then glued down with a spline as a trim.
Hand cane
looks the same except the cane is woven through small holes around the seat frame.
A converting process is done to cut a groove where the holes are to press cane.
This will dramatically decrease the cost of replacing the seat giving it the same look as it was. Please call for price 919-744-0051 or see
Tags: furniture

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