Service > Babysitting
Temporary home needed for Charlie
- Publish Date: 03-25-2018 12:04:41 |
- Contact: Tonii |
- Location: Atlanta 30253 |
- Place: McDonough |
- 352 times displayed |

I just moved from Los Angeles to McDonough GA. The people I’m staying with are highly allergic to cats and I find myself with nowhere to keep him until I find a place. I’m looking for someone within a 5-15 mile radius of McDonough to take Charlie in for a few months. Must be a person who is loving, has a genuine affinity for cats, and can at least pet him and love him occasionally. He is declawed on the front paws so no scratching; he is fixed has all his shots, and is used to being around friendly dogs. He’s very laidback and will pretty much keep to himself other than to come around for the periodic petting or hugs. I will visit once a week to visit, change litter, clean his area and bring food and litter as needed. The pay for this service is $50 bucks a month. I need to find him a home right away as he cannot stay with my friend any longer. If you are interested please contact me at 818-917-2038 or Thanks!
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