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Santa: I’ll Have What Mooky’s Havin
- Publish Date: 02-20-2019 10:25:03 |
- Contact: 763-767-3380 |
- Location: World 55304 |
- Place: Andover |
- 307 times displayed |
Iffy, Edgy, and Elvis Elf help Mooky keep a close eye on Santa’s return delivering Christmas Presents for another year, Mooky waiting and waiting guitar in hand wanting to sing (HERE COME’S SANTA CLAUS) ( HERE COME’S SANTA CLAUS ) then one of nowhere here comes Santa Claus that’s Mooky’s cue to start playing and singing,, after singing he does something unexpectedly he drops down to his knees points his finger at Santa goes “ YOU DA MAN “. Santa said that was the weirdest homecoming ever, Santa goes “ I’LL HAVE WHAT MOOKY’S HAVING “. Well another Christmas comes and goes so fast, before you know it summer comes roaring back with this hot and muggy kind of day, after working so hard Santa says it’s lunchtime everything comes to a screeching halt on the Gentleman’s one of a kind Christmas Gifts made from the Wood in the Forest. Santa has a special surprise, here comes Mrs. Claus and the Elvettes bringing lunch from the smell of the food in the air you know it’s going to be a good day.after awhile Santa stands up and says let’s tell some stories about some past Christmases, Iffy Elf wants to share a story he remembers this one Christmas Santa was going to deliver presents at Carol’s house but she had moved there were two bad dudes standing in the corner Bruno and his brother Bobby, Santa had that look in his eyes for them to get lost these presents were only for good boy’s and girl’s. Elvis Elf wants to share the next story about the time Santa always counts the Reindeer before leaving, but this one Christmas there was one to many Micky the Mule tryed to fit in, Santa laughs and goes Micky your not a Reindeer your a Mule, unhooks Micky and brings him back to Santaland. Wrote six different short adventures, all revolving What Santa and the Elves do in the summer they make make the Gentleman’s one a kind Gifts from the Wood in the Forest, they work hard all week but when the weekends roll around usually go to Santa’s for snack and refreshments tell stories about previous Christmases. If interested alll six adventures for $20 written on PDF. Send your email address in envelope I’ll send back on PDF with Pictures in color and cool Fonts. Send to Richard Lofgren Cherrywood 1889 139th Andover Minnesota 55304 not set up electronically Cash Only still believe in US Postal Service
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