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My land lady has a storage lot here in Escondido

  • Publish Date: 08-19-2024 16:51:12 |
  • Contact: Mike Dolbow |
  • Location: Escondido 92025 |
  • 207 times displayed |
Hi neighbors.
My land lady has a storage lot here in Escondido, it is secured and gated, has on site camera, and night security.
She has spaces available in this secure gated lot. I am trying to help her out by putting this add up for her. I am over night bight security for her and want to help her.
If you have a car, boat, work truck, trailer or any other item like this please call her she will give you a great price per month for storing your item in a secure, gated, camera covered lot.
Tell her Mike suggested this lot.
Her name is Lyn Ramskill: 858-735-1386
Thank you

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