Service > Auto Services

Mobile mechanic

  • Publish Date: 05-10-2022 16:02:44 |
  • Contact: Tony |
  • Location: USA 72764 |
  • Place: Springdale Arkansas |
  • 275 times displayed |
Howdy everybody I am a Mobile mechanic been doing it for 4 years I know how to do a lot and if I can’t do something I will let you know I work on many types of vehicles including bmws and Mercedes Benz I offer free Check ups and estimates this is my side job as I work at my first job in the mornings but start Mobil mechanic when I get off around 4:30 afternoons my prices are very reasonable and low cost as I do this to help people save money I have the knowledge and skill and I want to use them to help people not to make my pockets bigger any questions send me a text 4797999167places I go to Fayetteville mostly around the u of a ,Springdale, rogers, Bentonville god bless

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