Service > Auto Services
Mobile Mechanic
- Publish Date: 03-28-2018 04:16:53 |
- Contact: Tenneille |
- Location: Fresno 93612 |
- Place: Clovis |
- 353 times displayed |
I worked as a fireman for 10 years and understand the operations of get work done right the first time and I have about 9 Mechanics, 1 Lock Smith, 4 Home Theater set up and Constructions workers, 2 teams of Security Camera Installer, and 4 Home remodeling and upgrade crews, Electrician, General Contractors and more.
We can handle whatever your needs are and can get the work done quickly and efficiently at the lowest cost possible.
Work We Do:
Mobile Everything first of All, Our Company offers Mobile everything and giving you the ability to work around your schedule and giving you that discount price with professional work so if you need help in whatever it may be please do not hesitate and try us Today.
Mobile Car Repair, Any Repairs
Security camera install
Home Theater Set-Up
Home upgrades
Electrical Work
Anything Assembly
and More... Call me, Text me and lets get your projects or needs fixed and address today.
559-803-1808, ask for T and say Get the job DONE NOW...
I work with everybody's income and budget, not here to become rich but to put people back to work again while raising their family and still give you that great deal with professional service, and work and warranty that you can count on.
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