Service > Auto Services

Mobile Auto Mechanic - Ray - 604 518-3844 - 7 days/week

  • Publish Date: 03-28-2018 14:29:09 |
  • Contact: Ray |
  • Location: British Columbia V2V2L7 |
  • Place: Mission BC |
  • 343 times displayed |
Mobile Auto Mechanic - Ray - 604 518-3844 - 7 days/week

Mobile Auto Mechanic 7 days/wk
Rain/Snow or Shine
We work with budgets...
How We Operate:
If you need to know what is wrong with your vehicle, we offer Diagnostic service where we will find out what's wrong and what you'll need to rectify the problem.
(Diagnostic Charge $75) Applies if I am required to come out and diagnose the problem you have. It covers my fuel & my time to perform the diagnosis.
We quote costs from a professional estimating guide and will send you the labor quote via email or text, that way you don't have to feel any pressure through live communication and with quote in hand, you'll be able to make a sound decision whether you like to use our service or use someone else's service.
We quote the price before we even head out so there is no surprise when it comes time to tally-up and the price will never be more than the quote guaranteed!
The customer is responsible for obtaining their own parts, If we are there to do a diagnosis, we will let you know what you need and you can go to LORDCO and acquire the parts.
We also do RV Brakes
PRE-SALE VEHICAL INSPECTION $120 (includes written checklist)
If you are considering a used vehicle purchase, by all means have it inspected! It's better to make an informed decision than to have problems arise after the point of sale.
For undiagnosed repair - 1 hour minimum charge $75 applies
Services and Repairs - estimated first, from labor guide (Flat Rate)
Pre-sale vehicle inspection $120
Pre-sale RV/Cube Van Inspection $150

Tags: repair

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