Service > Auto Services
- Publish Date: 09-19-2018 15:44:58 |
- Contact: HOLLY PEREZ |
- Location: Bakersfield 93304 |
- Place: 911 OAK ST |
- 451 times displayed |

- Kalifornia wash & Detail is a 100% hand car wash Professional work at a very reasonable price indoor waiting room with cable t.v and couches so you can sit comfortably while you wait for your vehicle
- 911 Oak St, Bakersfield, CA 93304Cross Streets: Between Sunset Ave and San Emidio StNeighborhoods: Oleander/Sunset
- (661) 493-3673
- Today : 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Open now till 6:00 PM
See all hours
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