Service > Auto Services
Garcia's Wheels and Tires: Coupon Deals on Oil Changes and New Tires {South Gate}
- Publish Date: 02-05-2019 20:32:15 |
- Contact: Mario Garcia |
- Location: Los Angeles 90280 |
- Place: South Gate |
- 1602 times displayed |

Garcia's Wheels and Tires
Coupon Deals
1. Purchase 4 New Tires and get Free Mounting and Balancing.
2. Purchase 4 New Tires and get $20.00 Discounted.
3. Oil Changes $39.99+ Tax, and Service Fees for 4 Cylinder Vehicles. Full Synthetic Oil
4. Oil Changes $59.99+ Tax and Disposal Fees for 6 Cylinder and 8 Cylinder Vehicles. Full Synthetic Oil.
South Gate Location
9212|9214 Long Beach Boulevard.
South Gate, California 90280
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Coupon Deals
1. Purchase 4 New Tires and get Free Mounting and Balancing.
2. Purchase 4 New Tires and get $20.00 Discounted.
3. Oil Changes $39.99+ Tax, and Service Fees for 4 Cylinder Vehicles. Full Synthetic Oil
4. Oil Changes $59.99+ Tax and Disposal Fees for 6 Cylinder and 8 Cylinder Vehicles. Full Synthetic Oil.
South Gate Location
9212|9214 Long Beach Boulevard.
South Gate, California 90280
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