Service > Auto Services
Engine Transmission Brake | Service and Repair Near Me | Jersey Village Harris County TX
- Publish Date: 01-18-2018 10:22:10 |
- Contact: AutoPRO-Houston (see all posting) |
- Location: Houston 77084 |
- Place: 9103 Emmott Rd |
- 407 times displayed |
9103 Emmott Rd. � 77040
Call for a FREE quote: .83.2-8.7.7-
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We come Fully equipped to handle all IMPORT and DOMESTIC
automotive vehicle repairs and service maintenance.
Why choose AutoPRO-Houston?
1) Save 30-50% off dealership prices
2) Use your own parts (or we'll supply them for you)
3) No upfront payments, no markups
4) We accept all major credit cards | debit cards | cash
5) All repairs come with a 12 month 12K written warranty.
6) No wrecker fees, no waiting, same day service.
7) Free Advice, Free online quotes
8) Interactive websites & mobile app with technician profiles. See our body
work over the years on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter
9) 6 years as a shop owner and mobile auto repair business � Over 42 years of
combined experience.
10) We are locally owned and want to earn your business. Your concerns are our
1st priority.
Services offered but not limited to:
Pre-Purchase Inspections
(Used Car Inspections)
Scan and Clear trouble codes
Starting and Charging Systems
Brakes and Traction Control
Power and Ground Distribution
Steering and Suspension
Heating and Air Conditioning
Accessories and Optional Equipment
Tune-Ups and Engine Performance checks
Timing Components (Belts, Chains, etc...)
Lighting and Electrical system problems
Engine, Cooling and Exhaust
Powertrain Management
Electrical Systems (Lighting, Horns,
Fuses, Sensors, Regulators . . . etc.)
Door/Window repair
Wiper and Washer Systems
For a free quote visit us on any device at
or just call 8.3.2-8.7.7-
**** Visa/Master/Discover/Debit/Amex cards/Cash****
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