Service > Auto Services
Engine Transmission Brake Electrical | Service and Repair | Jersey Village Harris County TX
- Publish Date: 01-18-2018 10:25:23 |
- Contact: AutoPRO-Houston (see all posting) |
- Location: Houston 77429 |
- Place: 9103 Emmott Rd |
- 460 times displayed |
Diagnostics | Maintenance | Repair
All IMPORT and DOMESTIC Vehicles
All IMPORT and DOMESTIC Vehicles
Your vehicle acting up again . . . give AutoPRO-Houston a call for Honest, Reliable and Quality Service.
Your vehicle ready for the summer heat, that vacation, the morning commute?
When you're looking for the best vehicle maintenance and repair service, look no further than AutoPRO-Houston! We
offer a wide range of services and expert advice. Let our staff show
you what can be done for you and your vehicle! At AutoPRO-Houston,our
staff and technicians understand cars and the people who drive them. We
cater to every customer's specific needs to ensure that our service
exceeds all expectations. Keeping your vehicle maintained and
problem-free can be a challenge, especially when parts start to wear out
when you need your vehicle the most.
"Whether you're looking for
routine maintenance, a timing belt replacement, squeaky brake repair,
an engine or transmission overhaul and/or replacement, to get that A/C
blowing cold again . . . AutoPRO-Houston is the shop you can rely on !*
ASE Certified Techs are thorough, honest and fair, with the knowledge,
experience, and equipment necessary to service your vehicle. We're
dedicated to high-quality repair work and customer service, from small
sports cars, suvs and light-duty trucks and luxury vehicles.
Just some of our shop services since 2006:
Oil Changes
Brake Replacement or Repair
Diagnostics of Engines and Transmissions (Repair or Replacement)
Radiator and Cooling System Flush
Fuel Injection Systems (Cleaning and Repair)
Starting and Charging System
Air Conditioning Systems Repaired and Replaced
Clutch | Transmission | CV Axles and Drivetrain U-Joints
Minor and Major Suspension (Shocks, Struts) Repairs, and Steering Systems
Belts | Hoses | Gaskets | Seals and much much much more........
No job is too large or small for AutoPRO-Houston.
And the reason people come to us: People appreciate quality work and
ASE Certified Technicians who warranties their work with competitive
pricing. We'll repair your vehicle and help educate you about your
vehicle's needs, to ensure your car remains safe on the road. If asked
we'll conduct a full-service inspection before turning over the keys to
you. Whenever you want personalized service by a professional auto
technician, be sure to call AutoPRO-Houston and see for yourself the difference we can make in the life of your vehicle.
We'll help you get years of trouble-free use out of your vehicle.
Call Eric at 832-877-1818 for an appointment or estimate. Stop by 9103 Emmott Rd. You'll be glad you did!
FACTS . . . "95% of our customers previously used their dealership
brand or a franchise store (like Midas, Brake Check, NTB, Firestone,
Goodyear, Just Brakes, Christian Bros., Peavy's, Meineke or PepBoys,
which are way over priced) for their vehicle repairs and maintenance now
use "AutoPRO-Houston because they get the same Certified Service and Repairs for Less . . . . a lot LESS!"
Thanks for viewing this Ad! FACTS . . . "95% of our customers previously used their dealership
brand or a franchise store (like Midas, Brake Check, NTB, Firestone,
Goodyear, Just Brakes, Christian Bros., Peavy's, Meineke or PepBoys,
which are way over priced) for their vehicle repairs and maintenance now
use "AutoPRO-Houston because they get the same Certified Service and Repairs for Less . . . . a lot LESS!"
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