Service > Auto Services
DISPATCHER Available at your service. - $900
- Publish Date: 05-04-2018 14:48:34 |
- Contact: BImran |
- Location: Dayton 45424 |
- Place: Dayton |
- 450 times displayed |
We are here for you. No more headache of time waste. Fast paced dispatching. We work as our own truck. Your priorities are our. No fake promises. You don't want to sit idle contact us. We work as a road partners. Don't worry to feel alone.
The flat fee of dispatching is $1200. For new customers $900 for first three months. Then will increase.
9% on gross load. For new customers 7% for first 3 months then will increase.
Contact on or 9378259752.
The contract will be take place.
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