Service > Auto Services

Deluxe Interior Detail - $120

  • Publish Date: 11-19-2018 11:52:36 |
  • Contact: Kamal |
  • Location: Chicago 60462 |
  • Place: 15625 s 70th ct |
  • 731 times displayed |
 Deluxe Interior Detail Deluxe Interior Detail
Deluxe Interior Detail $120
Full vacuum of interior including between seats and trunk.
Interior windows, mirrors and gauges are cleaned to streak-free shine. Dashboard wiped clean.
Special attention paid to cracks and crevices by removing dust, dirt and grime. Vinyl and leather cleaned and treated.
Headliner (interior roof and sides) spot scrubbed by hand to remove dirt and hair particles.
Carpet and upholstery pre-spotted, hand shampooed, and deep cleaned by machine or with a heated extractor used up to 210 degrees, if necessary.

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