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Clip-in extensions de cheveux!

  • Publish Date: 02-18-2019 11:18:13 |
  • Contact: Laurie brown (see all posting) |
  • Location: World H4L3L3 |
  • 171 times displayed |
Clip-in extensions de cheveux!
  • Prices vary: please contact us or order from Hairdo HairUWear Human Hair Clip in Extensions, adds gorgeous & luxurious length to your hair with this best selling clip in hair extension system. The 17 or 21 inch clip in extension is made of human hair, so your styling capabilities are limitless! Add curl, a light wave or straighten the hair extension - just like your own hair. It is considered a half wig, because it is able to cover the hair in the back unlike usual clip in extensions, the integration is easier to do! Includes 2 hair clips and 2 small clip in extensions for the front sides. To buy online click on these links:

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