Service > Auto Services

Bent Wheel repair, Cracked Wheel repair, custom Painting & Powder Coating

  • Publish Date: 06-02-2022 13:42:21 |
  • Contact: Cory (see all posting) |
  • Location: Houston 77074 |
  • Place: Sharpstown |
  • 291 times displayed |
Bent Wheel repair, Cracked Wheel repair, custom Painting & Powder CoatingBent Wheel repair, Cracked Wheel repair, custom Painting & Powder Coating

Most wheels that have been bent and/or dented generally will not hold air. If they do, a vibration or slow leak will usually occur. In most cases, we can repair them back to their original factory specs with little or no down time. call Cory for details 713-609-1615

Tags: repair

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