Service > Auto Services

Are you an out of work MECHANIC?

  • Publish Date: 06-15-2018 14:06:05 |
  • Contact: Djae (see all posting) |
  • Location: Boston 02081 |
  • Place: Walpole |
  • 395 times displayed |
Are You An Out Of Work MECHANIC??
  • Publish Date: 06-15-2018 10:56:58 |
  • Contact: Djae (see all posting) |
  • Location: Massachusetts 02081 |
  • Place: Walpole |
  • 1 times displayed |

I have a 2005 Hyundai Accent that needs a timing belt replaced. I CANNOT afford the shop fees upwards of $500. I have $200.00-250.00, I will also provide the belt. I know its a complicated job, but if you're knowledgeable, have the tools, can travel, and are willing to do it for this price, please text me, or email me. Asap. I may be able to come to you, depending on distance. Please only reply if you know your vehicle work, I will be asking some questions to ensure that you are able to complete the job safely. Thank you.

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