Real Estate > House For Sale
Marietta - Good Investment with Mother-in-law suite
- Publish Date: 01-17-2018 18:16:30 |
- Contact: john robinson |
- Location: Atlanta |
- Place: Marietta |
- 442 times displayed |

Motivated Seller - Please read this entire post. See Zillow for details. Zestimate is way too high. No Scams Please. I have seen them all and I WILL report you. Property is currently occupied but I am available to show it. I can transfer lease if you are an investor, or we can negotiate a sale with a real estate attorney or agent. I lived in this house for 10 years and am the second owner. It is a unique, private property. If your an investor the house will rent for at least $1500.00/ month as is. (Do Not Disturb My Good Tenants) If you are looking for a 4/3 home with 3 covered garages in 30066 you won't find many. Call me and leave you name and number if you are interested. I return all my messages. Thanks, john
AGAIN - Do not disturb my tenants! I have adequate access to the home.
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