Real Estate > Commercial Real Estate

A rare property for sale

  • Publish Date: 10-17-2018 00:25:03 |
  • Contact: Delores McNee |
  • Location: Canada |
  • Place: Chilliwack, B.C. |
  • 1529 times displayed |

Located in Chilliwack, on .62 acres on a corner lot with a 5 bedroom house, a 2 bedroom house, huge convenience store on a 150' x 120 ' lot. Store includes all stock and equipment. Asking $1.5M Call between 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 604-823-2188.

Also: Entire stock of fishing tackle. Was $14,000. Will sell for $8,000 or best offer. Must purchase entire stock, no individual purchases. 604-823-2188 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

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